DB Radar

DB Radar Press Information

PRESS CONTACT: Brandon Stecklein press@ape-apps.com

Title: DB Radar
Developer: Ape Apps - Brandon Stecklein
Target Platform: Android
Price: FREE
URL: https://apps.ape-apps.com/db-radar/
Available From: Android

About DB Radar
It's a novelty radar that tries to detect the presence of DB's!

Picture this. You're out at the club, there are popped collars everywhere, but you can't be certain which ones are on genuine DB's or cheap imitators. Never be in that bind again with the DB Radar!

Keep in mind that DB (stands for douche bag by the way) Radar doesn't actually do anything. It's just a fun prank app to show to your friends and it will probably make everybody think that you are cool. Or not. Who knows? Try it and see!

SO what are you waiting for? Impress your friends! Honor your ancestors! Get the girl! All is possible with DB Radar!

About Ape Apps
Ape Apps is the business name for Brandon Stecklein's software development activities. Started in June 2010 with the release of Ape Punch for Android, Brandon has created apps for Android, Windows Phone, Windows 10, iOS, and for the web in HTML5.
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